Today 7 Liberal MP's walked out of a Status of Women committee meeting after MP Rachael Harder was nominated chair, because they disagreed with her pro-life views. Join us in supporting Rachael by making your own short selfie video encouraging and thanking her for all her hard work on the committee. Tweet it at her and the 7 intolerant Liberal MP's using the hashtag #standwithRachael today!
Rachael Harder: @RachaelHarderMP
Liberal MP's who walked out:
Pam Damoff: @PamDamoff
Terry Duguid: @TerryDuguid
Sean Fraser: @SeanFraserMP
Bernadette Jordan: @BernJordanMP
Emmanuella Lambropoulos: @emlambropoulos
Eva Nassif: @EvaNassifVimy
Marc Serre: @MarcSerreMP
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