Polices come from the membership of the Party. The Party will consider 78 policy proposals at the policy convention, 60 from IdeasLab and 18 from the regional policy meetings. Each riding association will take policy proposals from the membership through policy meetings, surveys, the work of the policy committee for each riding association, and social media. The policy committee and the riding association board of directors will vote on which policies should be proposed on behalf of the riding association.
There are two ways for the policy proposals to go to the policy convention to be voted on:
- IdeasLab
- Regional policy meetings
Each of the 338 riding association presidents has editor access to a website called IdeasLab where all the policies proposed from the riding associations can be viewed by members and the public-at-large. Each of the 338 riding association presidents will vote on the policy proposals on IdeasLab and the 60 policy proposals with the highest votes will then go to the policy convention to be voted on by the delegates.
Regional policy meetings
There will be eighteen (18) regional policy meetings across Canada. Each riding association will be grouped into one of these regional policy meetings. Each riding association board will be able to present at least one policy proposal. At the regional policy meeting, all members of the Party who come from those ridings will be able to vote on the proposed policies. The policy proposal receiving the highest number of votes will then proceed to the policy convention to be voted on by delegates.
Let's say that the policy proposal we want to introduce is the elimination of Policy No. 65 (A Conservative government will not introduce legislation to regulation abortion). We would need a riding association board of directors to approve the policy at one of their board meetings and the president of that board to then input on IdeasLab. We would then need to ensure that as many of the 338 riding association presidents vote for that policy as the 60 top policies will then be introduced at the policy convention in Halifax.
Simultaneously, we would introduce the same policy at as many regional policy meetings as possible and ensure that as many pro-life members of the Party are present at these regional policy meetings so that policy would received the highest number of votes to go forward to the policy convention in Halifax.
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